all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 3ED 15 1 53.404127 -2.958414
L7 3EE 17 0 53.40307 -2.95809
L7 3EF 22 0 53.402798 -2.958445
L7 3EG 16 0 53.403729 -2.957744
L7 3EH 6 0 53.405471 -2.960069
L7 3EJ 24 0 53.405171 -2.959551
L7 3EN 19 0 53.404083 -2.957391
L7 3EQ 1 1 53.403525 -2.956174
L7 3ES 11 0 53.406094 -2.956578
L7 3ET 54 0 53.404898 -2.956552
L7 3EU 4 0 53.404587 -2.957282
L7 3EW 9 0 53.404024 -2.957916
L7 3EX 4 0 53.405587 -2.95586
L7 3EY 8 1 53.405152 -2.956287
L7 3HD 1 1 53.403764 -2.954586
L7 3HE 2 1 53.404622 -2.953822
L7 3HJ 4 1 53.403453 -2.954037
L7 3HL 23 1 53.402111 -2.954443
L7 3HT 16 0 53.404002 -2.951763
L7 3JE 18 0 53.402326 -2.955622